How do I sign up to sell color kits on ManeMix?
- Go to www.manemix.pro and click on the Sign Up link to create your seller account. You can manage your profile page, setup payments, list kits for sale, manage your orders and a whole lot more from your account.
What are the steps after I receive an order?
- You client will select the kit that fits their needs best and complete the purchase. Once that is done, look for a calendar invite from ManeMix for a link to a video call with your client to determine their exact hair color needs. You can either build the kit yourself or use a custom color kit vendor to create a kit. Once the kit is ready, use the shipping label provided by ManeMix to send the kit to your client. Alternately, your client can choose to pick the kit up from you. We recommend that you include detailed instructions for at-home use.
What is the cost of using ManeMix?
- ManeMix charges a flat service fee of 10% on all orders sold on the platform. Specifically, 10% will be withheld directly from the payment made by your client to you. Please plan on pricing your kits accordingly.
What do I do if the client informs me that the kit was damaged or broken?
- Please contact customer service at hello@manemix.pro to plan the next steps.
How do I prepare for a virtual appointment?
- Please ensure you have a good internet collection and a surrounding that allows for an effective audio/video consultation. Remember to ask your client to arrange for better lighting during your call if you are unable to accurately assess the condition of their hair.
How do I call into the video conference?
- A video call link will be emailed to you before the appointment. We typically use Google Meet or Zoom. Please call in on time.
How does the entire process work?
- Please refer to our How-it-works page here.
What is your cancellations/refunds policy?
- Please refer to our Terms and conditions here.
Will my clients be able to reach me?
- We encourage colorists to list their contact information on their shop page.
Can I create my own colorist login and setup my storefront?
- Yes, please click on this link if you would like to create an account for yourself.
What payment methods are accepted?
- Most credit and debit cards are accepted.
Where can I find shipment tracking information?
- ManeMix will email tracking information to you and your client once the kit has been shipped out.
What are your Terms and conditions?
- Please refer to our Terms and conditions here.